Page 6, Phone calls

On this page we will practice talking on the telephone.
Everyone knows listening is one of the most difficult skills to master. Add in a telephone and you may think it impossible, but with a bit of practice we can do it.

In this clip we show (in a very silly way) one guy Lam, (Russ) he is sick and he calls his friend (Thu) to ask for help.

Next I am in a hotel room when I run out of beer, so I call to the receptionist and ask for more.

In this section you will first listen to a conversation between two friends. Try to listen and understand what each is saying.

Next try to imagine you are Ngoc. You will hear Terri speaking but you must speak aloud and answer for Ngoc when ever you see her picture. You will also suggest a meeting place and time.

Last, imagine now you are Terri. You need to call Ngoc, tell her your problem and ask for help.

1 comment:

  1. Hey... I'm more beutiful than her! of course more sexy!
    This's really interesting! ^o^
